Glutathione S-Transferase alpha (GST-alpha)

Glutathione S-Transferase alpha (GST-alpha) is a member of a family of enzymes that utilize glutathione in reactions contributing to the transformation of a wide range of compounds including carcinogens, therapeutic drugs, and products of oxidative stress. These enzymes play a key role in the detoxification of such substances.

Swiss-Prot Accession Number: P08263

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Myriad RBM Publications Publications
External Validation of a Pre-Transplant Biomarker Model (REVERSE) Predictive of Renal Recovery after Liver Transplantation (2019) Levitsky J, Asrani SK, Abecassis M, Ruiz R, Jennings LW, Klintmalm G Hepatology
Dendritic cell immunotherapy followed by cART interruption during HIV-1 infection induces plasma protein markers of cellular immunity and neutrophil recruitment (2018) van den Ham HJ, Cooper J, Tomasik J, Bahn S, Aerts J, Oseterhaus A, Gruters R, Andeweg A PLoS One
Characterization of Renal Biomarkers for Use in Clinical Trials: Effect of Preanalytical Processing and Qualification Using Samples from Subjects with Diabetes (2015) Brott DA, Furlong ST, Adler SH, Hainer JW, Arani RB, Pinches M, Rossing P, Chaturvedi N Drug Design, Development and Therapy
Identifying Novel Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Events or Death in People with Dysglycemia (2015) Gerstein HC, Par? G, Mcqueen MJ, Haenel H, Lee SF, Pogue J, Maggioni AP, Yusuf S, Hess S Circulation
Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C1 Cerebellum Identifies Protein Biomarkers and Provides Pathological Insight (2012) Cologna SM, Jiang X-S, Backlund PS, Cluzeau CVM, Dail MK, Yanjanin NM, Siebel S, Toth CL, Jun H, Wassif CA, Yergey AL, Porter FD PLoS ONE 7(10): e47845
Peripheral profiling analysis for bipolar disorder reveals markers associated with reduced cell survival (2011) Herberth M, Koethe D, Levin Y, Schwarz E, Krzyszton ND, Schoeffmann S, Ruh H, Rahmoune H, Kranaster L, Schoenborn T, Leweke MF, Guest PC, Bahn S Proteomics 11: 94-105.
Quantitative Proteomic Plasma Profiling Reveals Activation of Host Defense to Oxidative Stress in Chronic SIV and Methamphetamine Comorbidity (2010) Pendyala G, Trauger SA, Siuzdak G, Fox HS AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2010 Oct 7. [Epub ahead of print]
Recommendations to qualify biomarker candidates of drug-induced liver injury (2010) Ozer JS, Chetty R, Kenna G, Koppiker N, Karamjeet P, Li D, Palandra J, Lanevschi A, Souberbielle BE, Ramaiah S Biomark Med 4: 475-483.
A guidance for renal biomarker lead optimization and use in translational pharmacodynamics (2010) Ozer JS Drug Discov Today15: 142-7.
Multiplex Immunoassay Analysis of Biomarkers in Clinically Accessible Quantities of Human Aqueous Humor. (2009) Sharma RK, Rogojina AT, Chalam KV Mol Vis 15: 60-69.