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RBM-QC-Whitepaper-ThumbnailAn Overview of Assay Quality Systems at RBM®

By Brian T. Welsh, Ph.D. and James Mapes, Ph.D.

Abstract – Stringent guidelines of quality assurance and control serve as the foundation for dependable and reproducible results inany analytical endeavor.To ensure the highest caliber data, RBM has established a rigorous set of criteria that serve as a guide through every stage of sample processing, from the development, validation, and manufacturing of our assays; to the testing,quality controlling and reporting of the data.

Here we highlight step-by-step, the measures implemented by RBM that take Luminex xMAP® technology to a new level of reproducibility and ruggedness. The RBM platform combines the sensitivity and dynamic range of microsphere-based immuno-multiplexing with the precision and dependability of automated liquid handling. Together these features set RBM apart from other biomarker testing labs by offering high quality, cost-effective immunoassay measurements.

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