Adrenomedullin (ADM)

The Adrenomedullin (ADM) gene initially codes for a 185-amino acid precursor peptide, which can be differentially excised to form a number of peptides, including an inactive 53-amino acid ADM, e PAMP, adrenotensin and ADM 95-146. Mature human ADM is activated to form a 52 amino acid, 6-amino acid ring that shares moderate structural similarity to the calcitonin family of regulatory peptides (calcitonin, CGRP and amylin). Circulating ADM consists of both amidated (mature) and the glycated form (inactive, with the latter comprising the major form (85%). The highest levels of ADM expression are in the adrenal medulla, ventricle, kidney, and lung. In disease, the secretion of ADM has been shown to increase in subjects with insulin-induced hypoglycemia, and congestive heart failure.

Swiss-Prot Accession Number: P35318

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Myriad RBM Publications Publications
Serum kidney injury molecule 1 and B2-microglobulin perform as well as larger biomarker panels for prediction of rapid decline in renal function in type 2 diabetes (2018) Colombo M, Looker HC, Farran B, Hess S, Groop L, Palmer CNA, Brosnan MJ, Dalton RN, Wong M, Turner C, Ahlqvist E, Dunger D, Agakov F, Durrington P, Livingstone S, Betteridge J, McKeigue PM, Colhoun HM Diabetologia
Biomarkers of rapid chronic kidney disease progression in type 2 diabetes (2015) Looker HC, Colombo M, Hess S, Brosnan MJ, Farran B, Dalton RN, Wong MC, Turner C, Palmer CNA, Nogceke E, Groop L, Salomaa V, Dunger DB, Agakov F, McKeigue PM, Colhoun HM Kidney International