Beta Amyloid 1-40 (AB-40)

Beta Amyloid, also known as Abeta, (A?40) is a peptide of 36-43 amino acids that appears to be the main constituent of amyloid plaques in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients. The most common isoforms are AB-40 and AB-42; the shorter form is typically produced by cleavage that occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum, while the longer form is produced by cleavage in the trans-Golgi network. The AB-40 form is the more common of the two, but AB-42 is the more fibrillogenic and therefore associated with disease states.

Swiss-Prot Accession Number: P05067

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This analyte is not currently part of Myriad RBM's testing menu.

Myriad RBM Publications Publications
Novel Biomarkers for Change in Renal Function in People With Dysglycemia. (2019) Gerstein HC, Pare G, McQueen MJ, Lee SF, Bangdiwala SI, Kannt A, Hess A, ORIGIN Trial Investigators Diabetes Care