Tissue type Plasminogen activator (tPA)

Tissue type Plasminogen activator (tPA) is a serine protease which converts the abundant proenzyme plasminogen to active plasmin, which in turn degrades fibrin, resulting in thrombolysis. Plasma tPA is also known to be complexed with PAI-1.

Swiss-Prot Accession Number: P00750

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This analyte is not currently part of Myriad RBM's testing menu.

Myriad RBM Publications Publications
Dendritic cell immunotherapy followed by cART interruption during HIV-1 infection induces plasma protein markers of cellular immunity and neutrophil recruitment (2018) van den Ham HJ, Cooper J, Tomasik J, Bahn S, Aerts J, Oseterhaus A, Gruters R, Andeweg A PLoS One
Variation in Serum Biomarkers with Sex and Female Hormonal Status: Implications for Clinical Tests (2016) Ramsey JM, Cooper JD, Penninx BWJH, Bahn S Scientific Reports
Serum Proteomic Profiles of Depressive Subtypes (2016) Lamers F, Bot M, Jansen R, Chan MK, Cooper JD, Bahn S, Penninx BWJH Translational Psychiatry