Fibulin-1C (Fib-1C)

Fibulin-1C (Fib-1C) is an extracellular matrix protein overexpressed in epithelial ovarian and breast cancers. Alternative splicing of fibulin-1 precursor results in four transcript variants designated A-D, of which C and D are predominantly expressed. Serum levels for this protein are not known, but previous experiments at RBM, where total fibulin-1 was examined, showed that the levels were in the high ng/ml range. As fibulin-1C is more relevant in ovarian cancer, a screen was performed to look at serum fibulin-1C levels.

Swiss-Prot Accession Number: P23142

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This analyte is not currently part of Myriad RBM's testing menu.

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Myriad RBM Publications Publications
Novel Biomarkers for Change in Renal Function in People With Dysglycemia. (2019) Gerstein HC, Pare G, McQueen MJ, Lee SF, Bangdiwala SI, Kannt A, Hess A, ORIGIN Trial Investigators Diabetes Care
Dendritic cell immunotherapy followed by cART interruption during HIV-1 infection induces plasma protein markers of cellular immunity and neutrophil recruitment (2018) van den Ham HJ, Cooper J, Tomasik J, Bahn S, Aerts J, Oseterhaus A, Gruters R, Andeweg A PLoS One
Variation in Serum Biomarkers with Sex and Female Hormonal Status: Implications for Clinical Tests (2016) Ramsey JM, Cooper JD, Penninx BWJH, Bahn S Scientific Reports