Insulin-like Growth Factor-Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP-3)

Insulin-like Growth Factor-Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP-3) alters the interaction of IGFs with their cell surface receptors. Insulin-like Growth Factor-binding proteins prolong the half-life of the IGFs and have been shown to either inhibit or stimulate the growth-promoting effects of the IGFs on cell culture.

Swiss-Prot Accession Number: P17936

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This analyte is not currently part of Myriad RBM's testing menu.

Myriad RBM Publications Publications
Identification of Novel Causal Blood Biomarkers Linking Metabolically Favorable Adiposity With Type 2 Diabetes Risk (2019) Pigeyre M, Sjaarda J, Mao S, Chong M, Hess S, Yusuf S, Gerstein H, Pare G Diabetes Care
S100A12 and S100A8/9 proteins are biomarkers of articular disease activity in Blau syndrome (2018) Wang L, Rose CD, Foley KP, Anton J, Bader-Meunier B, Brissaud P, Chedeville G, Cimaz R, Fernandez-Martin J, Guly C, Hachulla E, Harjacek M, Mackensen F, Merino R, Modesto C, Hernandez A, Pajot C, Ramanan A, Thatayatikom A, Thomee C, Vastert S, Votta B, Bertin J, Wouters CH Rheumatology
2. Plasma insulin-like growth factor I levels are higher in depressive and anxiety disorders, but lower in antidepressant medication users (2016) Bot M, Milaneschi Y, Penninx BWJH, Drent ML Psychoneuroendocrinology
Variation in Serum Biomarkers with Sex and Female Hormonal Status: Implications for Clinical Tests (2016) Ramsey JM, Cooper JD, Penninx BWJH, Bahn S Scientific Reports
Blood profiling of proteins and steroids during weight maintenance with manipulation of dietary protein level and glycaemic index (2012) Wang P, Holst C, Astrup A, Bouwman FG, van Otterdijk S, Wodzig WK, Andersen MR, van Baak MA, Rasmussen LG, Martinez JA, Jebb SA, Pfeiffer AF, Kafatos A, Handjieva-Darlenska T, Hlavaty P, Saris WH, Mariman EC Br J Nutr. 2012 Jan;107(1):106-19