Prolactin (PRL)

Prolactin (PRL) is a single chain polypeptide of 199 amino acids. It is a peptide hormone primarily associated with lactation. In breastfeeding, a suckling infant stimulates the production of prolactin, which fills the breast with milk in preparation for the next feed. It is synthesized and secreted by lactotrope cells in the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary gland). It is also produced in other tissues including the breast and the decidua. Pituitary prolactin secretion is regulated by neuroendocrine neurons in the hypothalamus, most importantly by neurosecretory dopamine neurons of the arcuate nucleus, which inhibit prolactin secretion. Thyrotropin-releasing factor has a stimulatory effect on prolactin release. Increased levels may be useful in the diagnosis of epileptic seizures.

Swiss-Prot Accession Number: P01236

Myriad RBM Publications Publications
Increased serum levels of leptin and insulin in both schizophrenia and major depressive disorder: A cross-disorder proteomics analysis (2019) Cakici N, Bot M, Lamers F, Janssen T, van der Haan L, Bahn S, Penninx BWJH, van Beveren NJM European Neuropsychopharmacology
Dendritic cell immunotherapy followed by cART interruption during HIV-1 infection induces plasma protein markers of cellular immunity and neutrophil recruitment (2018) van den Ham HJ, Cooper J, Tomasik J, Bahn S, Aerts J, Oseterhaus A, Gruters R, Andeweg A PLoS One
High false-positive rate of a putative biomarker test to aid in the diagnosis of schizophrenia (2016) Wehler CA, Preskorn, SH Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Circulating Biomarkers and Outcome from a Randomised Phase Ii Trial of Sunitinib Vs Everolimus for Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (2016) Voss MH, Chen D, Marker M, Hakimi AA, Lee C-H, Hsieh JJ, Knox JJ, Voi M, Motzer RJ British Journal of Cancer
Variation in Serum Biomarkers with Sex and Female Hormonal Status: Implications for Clinical Tests (2016) Ramsey JM, Cooper JD, Penninx BWJH, Bahn S Scientific Reports
Genome-Wide Association Study of Prolactin Levels in Blood Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid (2016) Staley LA, Ebbert MTW, Parker S, Bailey M, Ridge PG, Goate AM, Kauwe JSK BMC Genomics
Identifying amyloid pathology?related cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease in a multicohort study (2015) Leung YY, Toledo JB, Nefedov A, Polikar R, Raghavan N, Xie SX, Farnum M, Schultz T, Baek Y, Deerlin VV, Hu WT, Holtzman DM, Fagan AM, Perrin RJ, Grossman M, Soares HD, Kling MA, Mailman M, Arnold SE, Narayan VA, Lee VMY, Shaw LM, Baker D, Wittenberg GM, Trojanowski JQ, Wang LS Alzheimer's & Dementia
The effects of stress on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function in subjects with schizophrenia (2013) Guest FL, Martins-de-Souza D, Rahmoune H, Bahn S, Guest PC Rev Psiq Cl?n. 2013;40(1):20-7
Does ethnicity moderate dementia's biomarkers (2013) Royall DR, Palmer RF; Texas Alzheimer's Research and Care Consortium Neurobiol Aging. 2013 Sep 18. pii: S0197-4580(13)00340-0
Identification of Subgroups of Schizophrenia Patients with Changes in Either Immune or Growth Factor and Hormonal Pathways (2013) Schwarz E, Van Beveren NJM, Ramsey J, Leweke FM, Rothermundt M, Bogerts B, Steiner J, Guest PC, Bahn S Schizophrenia Bulletin
Distinct Molecular Phenotypes in Male and Female Schizophrenia Patients (2013) Ramsey JM, Schwarz E, Guest PC, Van Beveren NJM, Leweke FM, Rothermundt M, Bogerts B, Steiner J, Bahn S PLoS ONE
Blood profiling of proteins and steroids during weight maintenance with manipulation of dietary protein level and glycaemic index (2012) Wang P, Holst C, Astrup A, Bouwman FG, van Otterdijk S, Wodzig WK, Andersen MR, van Baak MA, Rasmussen LG, Martinez JA, Jebb SA, Pfeiffer AF, Kafatos A, Handjieva-Darlenska T, Hlavaty P, Saris WH, Mariman EC Br J Nutr. 2012 Jan;107(1):106-19
Proteomic changes induced by anaesthesia and muscle relaxant treatment prior to electroconvulsive therapy (2011) Stelzhammer V, Rothermundt M, Guest PC, Michael N, Sondermann C, Kluge W, Martins-de-Souza D, Rahmoune H, Bahn S Proteomics Clin Appl. 2011 Oct 17.
Altered Levels of Circulating Insulin and Other Neuroendocrine Hormones Associated with the Onset of Schizophrenia (2011) Guest PC, Schwarz E, Krishnamurthy D, Harris LW, Leweke FM, Rothermundt M, Van Beveren N, Spain M, Barnes A, Steiner J, Rahmoune H, Bahn S Psychoneuroendocrinology
A Serum Protein-Based Algorithm for the Detection of Alzheimer Disease (2010) O'Bryant SE, Xiao G, Barber R, Reisch J, Doody R, Fairchild T, Adams P, Waring S, Diaz-Arrastia R; for the Texas Alzheimer's Research Consortium Arch Neurol 67: 1077-1081.
Validation of a Blood-Based Laboratory Test to Aid in the Confirmation of a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia (2010) Schwarz E, Izmailov R, Spain M, Barnes A, Mapes JP, Guest PC, Rahmoune H, Pietsch S, Leweke FM, Rothermundt M, Steiner J, Koethe D, Kranaster L, Ohrmann P, Suslow T, Levin Y, Bogerts B, (JM) van Beveren N, McAllister G, Weber N, Niebuhr D, Cowan D, Yolken RH, Bahn S Biomark Insights5: 39?47.